Pushing the boundaries of adventure and innovation.


Oshkosh, WI | July 24 - 30, 2023

At AI Demo Day II that was held during Oshkosh AirVenture 2023 (Oshkosh, WI) on July 24 - 30, we had a special focus on generative AI. We presented how we use generative AI for general aviation including some unique insights, best practices for using generative AI for aviation marketing and how other aerospace companies can leverage it.  We also covered features of our proprietary on-device Foundation Models for aviation that we have been working on for the last 3 years. In additon, we participated in various events being organized as part of the Oshkosh AirVenture 2023. Details below.  

AI Demo Day II Adventures: Flying Over Hell's Half Acre Lava Field, Idaho

We flew over Hell's Half Acre Lava Field, Idaho , not far from Idaho Falls, Idaho at 7,000 feet in a Cessna 182T on our way to our annual AI Demo Day II in Oshkosh WI. 

Hell's Half Acre Lava Field in Idaho is a fascinating geological formation resulting from volcanic activity. Located in the Snake River Plain, this lava field spans approximately 150 square miles, with its origins dating back about 4,100 years. The eruption that created Hell's Half Acre was a basaltic lava flow, which spread across the landscape, leaving behind a rugged terrain of lava tubes, caves, and various volcanic features. Historically, the area holds significance for the Shoshone and Bannock tribes, who inhabited the region long before European settlers arrived. In modern times, Hell's Half Acre is a popular destination for hikers, geologists, and nature enthusiasts who are drawn to its unique and otherworldly landscape. The site is also utilized for scientific research, offering insights into volcanic processes and the geological history of the Snake River Plain. Visitors can explore designated trails, observe wildlife, and learn about the natural history of the area through interpretive displays. Its stark, rugged beauty and the intriguing geological formations make Hell's Half Acre a significant and interesting part of Idaho's natural heritage.

AI Demo Day II Adventures:  Flying Over Center-Pivot Irrigation Fields in Snake River Plain, Idaho

June 4, 2024. Flying at around 7,000 feet in a Cessna 182T on our way to our annual AI Demo Day II in Oshkosh WI, over the Snake River Plain near Lake Walcott, Idaho, the landscape below transforms into a mosaic of circular patterns created by center-pivot irrigation fields. These fields are fed by the Snake River, a lifeline in this arid region, essential for converting the semi-arid terrain into fertile farmland. The Snake River Plain, a broad, flat valley formed by volcanic activity, stretches across southern Idaho and is known for its agricultural productivity. 

Each circular field is a testament to efficient water use, featuring a central pivot point and a rotating arm that evenly distributes water, ensuring optimal crop hydration. The contrast between the lush, green circles and the surrounding dry land highlights the effectiveness of this irrigation system. The fields near Lake Walcott are part of a larger network that supports a diverse range of crops such as potatoes, sugar beets, barley, and alfalfa. This region is crucial for Idaho's agricultural output, with its fertile soil and innovative irrigation techniques supporting a thriving farming community.

Center-Pivot Irrigation Fields in Snake River Plain, Idaho

AI Demo Day II Adventures: Flying Over Ranches in Idaho Falls, Idaho

May 28, 2024. One of the stops on our way to our annual AI Demo Day II in Oshkosh WI after our take off from the Francisco Bay Area at Palo Alto Airport (PAO) was Idaho Falls, Idaho (Idaho Falls Regional Airport IDA). Flying over the Idaho ranches at around 4,000 feet in our Cessna 182T offered a breathtaking view of the serene Snake River Valley, where the patchwork of green fields and meandering river create a picturesque landscape. This bird's-eye perspective enhances the tranquil beauty of ranch life, capturing the essence of Idaho's countryside.

Owning and operating a ranch in Idaho Falls, Idaho, offers a blend of historical richness and modern charm. Ranching in the area began in the late 19th century, driven by the construction of canals that transformed the high desert into fertile land. By 1891, the town was renamed from Eagle Rock to Idaho Falls, reflecting its agricultural promise despite lacking actual waterfalls. Today, ranches like McGarry Ranches uphold traditional cattle ranching practices while providing modern amenities. The charm of living on a ranch in Idaho Falls includes the serene, scenic environment of the Snake River Valley, where one can experience the peacefulness of the countryside, the beauty of the local wildlife, and the tight-knit community spirit. Whether participating in cattle drives, horseback riding, or simply enjoying the natural surroundings, life on a ranch offers a break from the hustle and bustle of urban living. The creation of artificial falls in 1911 for hydroelectric power further highlights the area's ingenuity and resilience, shaping Idaho Falls into a thriving community.

AI Demo Day II Adventures: Flying Into Elko Regional Airport (KEKO).

May 10, 2024. The first stop on our way to our annual AI Demo Day II in Oshkosh WI after our take off from the Francisco Bay Area at Palo Alto Airport (KPAO) was Elko, Nevada. Nestled in the heart of the Ruby Mountains, Elko, Nevada, offers a unique blend of Wild West history and stunning natural beauty. Elko is also the unofficial cowboy capital of Nevada.

Elko Regional Airport (KEKO) in Elko, Nevada, has a storied history that began in 1931 when it was established to support the area's growing mining and ranching industries. The airport was initially created by local entrepreneurs and community leaders who recognized the need for improved transportation to support economic growth. In 1940, the airport saw significant upgrades when it was chosen as a training site for military pilots during World War II. After the war, the airport transitioned back to civilian use and continued to expand its facilities. In the 1980s, major renovations were undertaken to modernize the airport, including the extension of runways and the construction of a new terminal. Elko itself is known as the "Cowboy Capital of Nevada" due to its deep-rooted ranching heritage and the annual National Cowboy Poetry Gathering, which began in 1985. This event celebrates the culture and traditions of the American West, solidifying Elko's reputation as a hub for cowboy culture.

AI Demo Day II Adventures: Flying Over Highland Pit Lake in Converse County, Wyoming.

April 30, 2024. On the way to Palo Alto, California (KPAO), about 50 miles north-east of Casper, Wyoming before crossing the Rocky Mountains on the way to the Salt Lake City, at an altitude of about 7000 ft in our Cessna 182T, we came across a beautiful lake called the Highland Pit Lake (on the map, with a no so interesting name - the Enlargement Tailings Basin Evaporation Reservoir) in Converse County, Wyoming 82633. This was during our cross-country flying trip for our company Robometrics® Machines’ annual AI Demo Day II in Oshkosh Wisconsin in summer of 2023.

The Enlargement Tailings Basin Evaporation Reservoir, formally called the Highland Pit Lake, in Converse County, Wyoming, is a notable infrastructure project designed to manage and store tailings from mining operations while allowing for water evaporation. Converse County, established in 1888, is steeped in a rich history of pioneer settlement and cattle ranching. It is located in eastern Wyoming, with the county seat in Douglas. As the Exxon’s Highland uranium mill site, tailings deposition took place from the mill startup in October 1972 until June of 1984.

Highland Pit Lake in Converse County, Wyoming

The county's economy has long been driven by agriculture, energy production, and mining, making the reservoir a crucial component in sustainable mining practices. This reservoir aids in the environmental management of mining waste, ensuring that tailings are safely contained and excess water evaporates, thus minimizing environmental impact. A famous quote by Theodore Roosevelt, who emphasized conservation, resonates with the project's ethos: "The nation behaves well if it treats the natural resources as assets which it must turn over to the next generation increased, and not impaired, in value." The Enlargement Tailings Basin Evaporation Reservoir exemplifies modern efforts to balance industrial activity with environmental stewardship in a region historically linked to natural resource extraction.

AI Demo Day II Adventures: Flying Near Buffalo Creek Road (CR 105), Wyoming.

March 26, 2024. On the way to Palo Alto, California (KPAO), not far after our liftoff from Casper, Wyoming,  we flew near Buffalo Creek Road (CR 105) in Wyoming just northwest of Casper, Wyoming, in our Cessna 182T. This was during our cross-country flying trip for our company Robometrics® Machines’ annual AI Demo Day II in Oshkosh Wisconsin in summer of 2023.

Buffalo Creek Road (CR 105) in Wyoming is a scenic route that offers a glimpse into the state's rugged natural beauty and its rich historical backdrop. Situated northwest of Casper, Wyoming, this area is enveloped by vast expanses of open land, rolling hills, and the picturesque settings that define central Wyoming. Historically, the region around Buffalo Creek Road has been a tapestry of cultural and economic activities, from the indigenous tribes who first inhabited the land, utilizing its resources for sustenance and shelter, to the settlers and pioneers who traversed the Oregon Trail in search of new beginnings. The road itself, winding through such an emblematic landscape, has become a significant passage for those looking to explore the natural and historical richness of Wyoming. It serves not just as a thoroughfare but as a corridor through time, offering insights into the enduring spirit of the West and the continuing story of American expansion. 

AI Demo Day II Adventures: Flying Over Crystal Lake, Wisconsin.

February 23, 2024. On the way to Brookings, South Dakota (KBKX - Brookings Regional Airport), not far after our liftoff from Oshkosh, Wisconsin,  we flew near Tuttle Lake in Crystal Lake, Wisconsin in our Cessna 182T. This was during our cross-country flying trip for our company Robometrics® Machines’ annual AI Demo Day II in Oshkosh Wisconsin in summer of 2023. 

Tuttle Lake, nestled in the serene landscapes of Crystal Lake, Wisconsin, holds a rich history and significance. Initially recognized in the early 19th century, the lake became an important location for local communities, serving as a crucial source of water and a hub for recreational activities. Over the years, Tuttle Lake has transformed from a mere natural resource to a cherished recreational site, attracting visitors with its tranquil waters and picturesque surroundings. Notably, in 1956, the area around Tuttle Lake was designated as a state wildlife area, emphasizing its importance in local conservation efforts and its role in preserving Wisconsin's natural beauty. Today, the lake continues to be a popular destination for fishing, boating, and nature observation, celebrated for its contribution to local biodiversity and as a peaceful retreat from the hustle and bustle of daily life. Interesting facts about Tuttle Lake include its status as a habitat for a diverse range of wildlife, including several species of rare birds and fish, underscoring its ecological significance.

Tuttle Lake, nestled in Crystal Lake, Wisconsin.

AI Demo Day II Adventures:  Flying Over 1 F-22 Raptor & 2 F-35 Lightning.

February 15, 2024. As our aircraft lifted off the ground, soaring into the blue expanse above, a sense of mystic adventure enveloped us. Below, the formidable silhouettes of one F-22 Raptor and two F-35 Lightning fighters sat in silent testament to human ingenuity and the spirit of exploration. Parked side by side, they faced the verdant embrace of the surrounding trees, their sleek forms a stark contrast to the natural landscape. In the distance, a handful of houses nestled beside the road offered a glimpse of the mundane world we were leaving behind. This moment, a blend of technological prowess and the timeless quest for discovery, seemed to echo the words of aviation pioneer Amelia Earhart: "Adventure is worthwhile in itself." Here, suspended between the earth and the heavens, we were not just witnesses to the legacy of aviation; we were part of its ongoing journey, propelled by the same relentless curiosity that has always driven humankind to push beyond the visible horizon.

Two F-35 Lightning (first and second from the left) and a F-22 Raptor (third from the left)

AI Demo Day II Adventures:  Greyhound Gulch Road Near Mt Rushmore, South Dakota.

February 14, 2024. On the way to Rapid City Regional Airport (KRAP),  South Dakota we flew over the Greyhound Gulch Road near Mt Rushmore, South Dakota in our Cessna 182T. This was during our cross-country flying trip for our company Robometrics® Machines’ annual AI Demo Day II in Oshkosh Wisconsin in summer of 2023. 

High above Greyhound Gulch Road near Mt Rushmore, South Dakota.

Greyhound Gulch Road, nestled in the rugged landscapes near Mount Rushmore in South Dakota, holds a unique position in the region's rich history and natural beauty. This scenic route, winding through the Black Hills, offers a less traveled path for visitors seeking to explore the area's hidden treasures beyond the monumental faces of Mount Rushmore. Historically, the area around Greyhound Gulch Road has been significant for its mining operations, dating back to the 19th century when the Black Hills Gold Rush brought prospectors and settlers to the region, transforming it economically and socially. Today, Greyhound Gulch Road is celebrated not just for its historical importance but also for providing access to breathtaking vistas, local wildlife, and a serene escape into nature. Its significance lies in its ability to connect visitors with the area's past while offering a gateway to the natural splendor that defines the Black Hills of South Dakota.

Greyhound Gulch Road near Mt Rushmore, South Dakota.
Over Mount Rushmore, South Dakota

Flying Over Mount Rushmore, South Dakota.

January 16, 2024. On the way from Idaho Falls Regional Airport (IDA), Idaho to Rapid City Regional Airport (KRAP),  South Dakota we did a flyby of Mt. Rushmore in our Cessna 182T. This was during our cross-country flying trip for our company Robometrics® Machines’ annual AI Demo Day II in Oshkosh Wisconsin in summer of 2023. 

Mount Rushmore, located in the Black Hills region of South Dakota, is one of the most iconic monuments in the United States. Its creation began in 1927 and was completed in 1941. The monument features the colossal carved faces of four U.S. presidents: George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Theodore Roosevelt, and Abraham Lincoln, chosen to represent the nation's birth, growth, development, and preservation, respectively. The project was conceived by South Dakota historian Doane Robinson and brought to life by sculptor Gutzon Borglum. The selection of the presidents and the monumental scale of the sculpture were intended to reflect the grandeur and scope of American history and ideals. Carving the 60-foot high faces into the granite face of Mount Rushmore involved the efforts of over 400 workers and was an incredible feat of engineering and artistry. Mount Rushmore has become a symbol of American democracy and heritage, attracting millions of visitors each year. 

LOL! Over Lovelock, Nevada.

January 5, 2024. LOL! We are over Lovelock, Nevada, on the way to Elko, Nevada and going to do a LOL (Derby Field) fly-by. Derby Field, humorously denoted by its call sign "LOL," is not just an airport with a quirky identifier; it is an integral part of Lovelock, Nevada's rich history. Situated approximately 65 miles northeast of Reno, in the heart of Lovelock, this regional airport, known by its code LOL, plays a crucial role in the aviation network. Lovelock itself, steeped in history, was named after George Lovelock, a 19th-century shopkeeper and local landowner. The town has evolved from its early days as a stopover for settlers on the Humboldt Trail to a vibrant community, with Derby Field adding to its historical tapestry. Serving as a key refueling point for eastbound and westbound aircraft, Derby Field is a testament to the growth and development of Lovelock, blending its historical roots with the modern demands of aviation. The airport's light-hearted call sign, "LOL," adds a touch of whimsy to an otherwise serious endeavor, reflecting the unique charm of Lovelock, Nevada, and highlighting the often-overlooked significance of regional airfields in America's aviation history.

Over Lovelock, Nevada, on the way to Elko, Nevada with LOL (Derby Field) at 10 o'clock

Flying over Eden Prairie, Minnesota.

January 5, 2024. As our Cessna 182T took off from the Flying Cloud Airport (FCM) in Eden Prairie, Minnesota, toward our final destination of Oshkosh, Wisconsin, a breathtaking view unfolded below. The lush, sprawling landscapes of Eden Prairie, interspersed with sparkling lakes and winding rivers, offer a picturesque tapestry of natural beauty, elegantly framed by the suburban charm and architectural diversity of this serene Minnesotan city.

Eden Prairie, located in the heartland of Minnesota, boasts a rich historical tapestry interwoven with fascinating architectural elements and unique local characteristics. The area was first inhabited by the Native American tribe, the Mdewakanton Dakota, known for their deep respect for the land and waters. The name "Eden Prairie" was coined by Elizabeth Fries Ellet in the 1850s, who was struck by the area's lush prairies and verdant landscape, reminiscent of the Biblical Eden. The city's growth was catalyzed by the arrival of European settlers and the subsequent development of agriculture and industry. Today, Eden Prairie is recognized for its harmonious blend of historic and modern architecture. Notable are its well-preserved 19th-century buildings, such as the Cummins-Phipps-Grill House, alongside contemporary structures that reflect the city's evolution into a suburban hub. The city's commitment to preserving natural beauty is evident in its numerous parks and conservation areas, making it a perfect fusion of historical reverence and modern living. Additionally, Eden Prairie is known for its high quality of life, often ranking highly in national surveys for its amenities, education, and community engagement, making it a unique and cherished part of Minnesota's cultural and historical landscape.

AI Demo Day II Adventures:  Flying into Flying Cloud Airport (FCM) at Eden Prairie, Minnesota

January 4, 2024. We arrived at Flying Cloud Airport (FCM) at Eden Prairie, Minnesota, the last fuel stop before flying to our final stop for our company Robometrics® Machines’ annual AI Demo Day II. Our goal was to stay at the hotel in Eden Prairie for the evening, refuel and start our flight to our final designation early in the morning to dodge the thunder storms. Early morning is the best time to fly in small aircraft since that’s the time the weather is calm and the clouds haven’t built up energy to create turbulence when you fly around them.

Fueling one of our group's aircraft (Cessna 400) at the Thunderbird Aviation (FBO) at Flying Cloud Airport (FCM) in Eden Prairie, Minnesota

Flying Cloud Airport (FCM) in Eden Prairie, Minnesota, has a rich and dynamic history, marked by significant contributions to both local and national aviation. Established in the early 1940s, this airport was originally built to serve as a military flight training school during World War II. After the war, it transitioned into a public airport, quickly becoming a hub for general aviation. Its strategic location near Minneapolis-Saint Paul made it an ideal site for private, corporate, and recreational flying. One of the most interesting aspects of Flying Cloud Airport is its strong association with historical aircraft and vintage aviation. It has been home to numerous air shows and events showcasing antique aircraft, attracting aviation enthusiasts from all over the country. The airport also played a pivotal role in promoting aviation education and training, housing various flight schools and aviation programs.

Flying Cloud Airport's name itself is a nod to history, derived from the famous clipper ship, the Flying Cloud, known for setting speed records during the gold rush era. This reflects the airport's ongoing commitment to speed, efficiency, and the pioneering spirit of aviation. Today, FCM is not just a testament to aviation's past but continues to be a thriving community airport, contributing significantly to the local economy and serving as a gateway for regional air traffic.

Flying into Mankato Regional Airport (MKT), Mankato, Minnesota

January 3, 2024. On the way to Oshkosh, Wisconsin for our company Robometrics® Machines’ annual AI Demo Day II, we flew to Mankato Regional Airport (MKT). The Mankato Regional Airport, a hub of activity in Mankato, Minnesota, has a long history. Established in the early 20th century, it has evolved from a simple airfield to a modern facility serving both general aviation and commercial needs. As for Mankato, Minnesota itself has a rich and diverse history that spans several centuries. Originally, the area was inhabited by the Dakota Sioux Native Americans, who called it Mahkato, meaning "greenish blue earth," which later evolved into Mankato. European settlement began in earnest in the mid-19th century, significantly changing the area's landscape and culture. Mankato became officially incorporated as a city in 1868. It played a significant role during the U.S.-Dakota War of 1862, which was a pivotal moment in Minnesota's history. Following the war, Mankato grew rapidly as a regional hub for agriculture and trade, aided by its location at the confluence of the Minnesota and Blue Earth Rivers. In the 20th century, Mankato expanded its economic base to include education, healthcare, and manufacturing, marking it as an important center for commerce and culture in southern Minnesota. Today, Mankato is known for its blend of historical significance and modern development, hosting several educational institutions, including Minnesota State University, Mankato, and preserving its rich heritage through various historical sites and cultural events.

Skyward Chronicles at Mankato Regional Airport (MKT), Mankato, Minnesota

January 4, 2024. An adventure is not complete if you land in a small town with no hotel vacancy and have to hop back on your aircraft to the next town. Mankato, Minnesota was supposed to be our last stop before Oshkosh, Wisconsin. After landing at Mankato Regional Airport (MKT), we found out that there are no hotel rooms available in the city due to multiple weddings happening that day. At MKT, we were joined by one of our friends in his aircraft who continued with us for the rest of the trip and at Oshkosh. We were now a fleet of two aircrafts! We got back in our aircrafts to fly to the next town east of us on the way - Eden Prairie, Minnesota. 

Aviation, a realm where the human spirit meets the limitless sky, has always been synonymous with adventure. The very essence of taking flight is intertwined with the allure of the unknown and the thrill of exploration. As Amelia Earhart, a pioneering aviator, once said, "Adventure is worthwhile in itself." This sentiment captures the heart of aviation – a field where each flight is not just a journey through the air, but a voyage into the unforeseen. The unexpected turn of events at MKT is a quintessential example of the unpredictable nature of aviation adventures. The incident exemplifies the unpredictable adventures that aviation offers. It is in these unplanned detours and spontaneous decisions that the true spirit of flying is found. Howard Hughes, an iconic aviator and filmmaker, once humorously remarked, "I'm not a paranoid deranged millionaire. Goddamit, I'm a billionaire." Though said in jest, this quote underlines the grandeur and boldness inherent in the life of an aviator.

Photo © Aditya Mohan. No reproductions. All Rights Reserved.

Oh KRAP! Rapid City Regional Airport, South Dakota

January 3, 2024. At our company, Robometrics® Machines’ annual AI Demo Day II in Oshkosh Wisconsin in 2023, we stopped for refueling our Cessna 182T and lunch at Rapid Falls (KRAP), South Dakota. Oh KRAP! The American Midwest is beautiful. The airport code for the Rapid City Regional Airport is indeed KRAP. Rapid City Regional Airport (KRAP) was our next stop after Idaho Falls on the way from Palo Alto. 

KRAP has a rich history and notable geographical significance. Established in the mid-20th century, it quickly became a pivotal hub for air travel in the region. Notable for its strategic location, the airport lies in the scenic Black Hills, an area renowned for its natural beauty and historical landmarks like Mount Rushmore and the Crazy Horse Memorial. Over the years, KRAP has undergone several expansions and renovations, reflecting its growing importance in the region. One of the most significant moments in its history was in the late 1980s, when the airport underwent a major expansion to accommodate increasing passenger traffic, showcasing its importance as a gateway to the western United States. The airport's geographical position also makes it a vital link for air travel to and from the more remote areas of South Dakota and neighboring states.  

AI Demo Day II Adventures: Cessna 400 with a Cessna 182T at Mankato Regional Airport (MKT)

December 29, 2023. After leaving in our Cessna 182T from the fuel stop and lunch at Rapid Falls (KRAP), South Dakota,  we spent some time at Mankato Regional Airport (MKT) in Mankato, Minnesota. Oh KRAP! Here we grouped with the second aircraft, a Cessna 400. Together we flew to Oshkosh, Wisconsin. 

The Cessna 400 and the Cessna 182T are two noteworthy models, each with distinct specifications. The Cessna 400, known for its speed and advanced avionics, is a high-performance single-engine aircraft. It boasts a turbocharged engine, typically a Continental TSIO-550-C, which produces around 310 horsepower, enabling it to reach cruising speeds of approximately 235 knots. Its advanced glass cockpit and luxury interior make it a favorite among private pilots seeking performance and comfort. 

In contrast, the Cessna 182T, a more traditional and widely used model, is known for its reliability and versatility. It is powered by a naturally aspirated Lycoming IO-540-AB1A5 engine, producing about 230 horsepower. This model has a cruising speed of around 145 knots, making it slower than the Cessna 400 but highly efficient for training and general aviation purposes. Its simpler avionics and rugged design make it a preferred choice for flight schools and general aviation enthusiasts like us.

AI Demo Day II Adventures: Flying Over Utah's Great Salt Lake & Ansel Adams

December 20, 2023. “A great photograph is one that fully expresses what one feels, in the deepest sense, about what is being photographed.” 

The photograph of the earth's natural artistry, with its sweeping lines and earthen colors, can evoke a sense of wonder that Ansel Adams often sought to convey through his work. 

Photo © Aditya Mohan. No reproductions. All Rights Reserved.

This image capturing the Great Salt Lake in Utah from an altitude of 7,500 feet resonates with the artistic spirit of Ansel Adams. It magnificently portrays the vastness of the landscape, showcasing the natural hues of the earth, water, and sky. The inclusion of the airplane's wingtip at the top of the frame adds an element of adventure, seamlessly blending the wonder of human exploration with the sublime beauty of nature.

This photo was taken by our Founder, Aditya Mohan flying at 110 knots over the Great Salt Lake, Utah in a Cessna 182T while returned from our AI Demo Day II. 

AI Demo Day II Adventures: Flying near the Sweetwater County, Wyoming 

November 15, 2023. At our company, Robometrics® Machines Machines’ annual AI Demo Day II in Oshkosh Wisconsin this year, after leaving  from the fuel stop in our Cessna 182 at Casper, Wyoming, we flew near Sweetwater County, on the way to Salt Lake City. 

Photo © Aditya Mohan. No reproductions. All Rights Reserved.

Sweetwater County, located in the heart of Wyoming, is a land where the rugged beauty of the American West is vividly alive. Nestled amidst various mountain ranges, including the Wind River, Wyoming, and Uinta mountains, the county's landscape is dramatically sculpted with deep canyons, rolling plains, and striking rock formations. The Green River carves its way through the county, creating a haven for wildlife and offering abundant outdoor activities like fishing, kayaking, and wildlife watching. Flaming Gorge Reservoir, a marvel of natural beauty and human engineering, is a popular destination for water sports and fishing. Sweetwater County's historical significance is deeply tied to the Oregon, Mormon, and California trails, making it a treasure trove for history enthusiasts. The area's rich mining history, especially in coal and trona, adds another layer to its diverse heritage. The county is also known for its annual events, like rodeos and cultural festivals, which showcase the vibrant local community spirit. This blend of natural splendor, historical depth, and a lively cultural scene makes Sweetwater County a unique and enchanting part of Wyoming.

This photo is taken by our Founder, Aditya Mohan flying  near Sweetwater County, Wyoming in a Cessna 182 while returning from our AI Demo Day II.

The F-35A Lightning II, with its advanced stealth capabilities and sophisticated radar systems, has revolutionized modern aerial combat, rendering it significantly more effective in identifying and neutralizing surface-to-air missile (SAM) sites compared to its predecessor, the F-16CJ Wild Weasel. According to three former F-16CJ Wild Weasel instructor pilots, a single F-35A can locate and engage SAM sites more swiftly and effectively than three F-16CJ fighters operating in tandem.

AI Demo Day II Adventures: F-35's Leisurely Jaunt as it is Too Cool for Flight School! 

October 17, 2023. While walking next to the flight line during our company’s annual AI Demo Day II, we caught our favorite wingman on camera - a F-35 that takes a laid-back cruise, proving it's not just about the skies. Who said jets can't have street style?  This one is too cool for the flight school!

The stealth features of the F-35A, designed for low observability with advanced materials and shaping techniques, considerably reduce its radar cross-section, making it extremely challenging for enemy radars to detect it, especially when compared to the non-stealthy F-16. Moreover, the F-35A's radar has the capability to neutralize enemy fighter and surface-to-air radars without alerting adversaries of being electronically attacked. This, in conjunction with its stealth attributes, makes the F-35A nearly invisible to enemy radars.

Additionally, the F-35A's sensor suite enhances situational awareness, enabling pilots to execute close air support missions as effectively as, or even better than the A-10 in low-threat environments, making it the sole multirole platform capable of performing close air support in high-threat scenarios. This multirole fighter combines stealth, sensor fusion, and unprecedented situational awareness, allowing the U.S. Air Force and its allies to dominate the skies under a myriad of combat conditions.

The F-35A’s superior capabilities in electronic warfare, intelligence, surveillance, reconnaissance, and its ability to perform both air superiority and strike missions, substantiates its standing as a formidable asset in modern aerial warfare, overshadowing the capabilities of the F-16CJ Wild Weasel in tackling SAM sites and other high-threat environments.

Photo © Aditya Mohan. No reproductions. All Rights Reserved.

AI Demo Day II Adventures: A Plane's Photobomb as it Joins  the Selfie Photo Op!

October 13, 2023. At our AI Demo Day II in Oshkosh Wisconsin this year, a few attendees expected to capture some remarkable moments, but none could have predicted this adventurous aircraft’s photobombing feast. In a world where even pigeons are trying to photobomb our most candid moments, the audacious aircraft in the shot took things to a new altitude! 

The daring aircraft was determined not to be outshone by mere mortals in neon fluorescent vests. We captured the precise moment when the aircraft, seemingly tired of soaring the skies, decided to dip down and join the selfie-crazed humans below. Those folks, clad in their neon vests, were probably expecting to click a standard group selfie. Little did they know that their pic would get turbocharged by a plane deciding, "Hey, I want in on this action too!" With impeccable timing and a flair for the dramatic, the plane swooped in, seemingly saying, "Why should humans have all the fun?" 

Next time, they might need a wider-angle lens to fit all their unexpected guests!

Chance Vought F4U Corsair and Their Pilots

October 11, 2023. We got to check out  many of the Chance Vought F4U Corsair up close during their reunion at EAA AirVenture Oshkosh 2023. The Chance Vought F4U Corsair stands as a symbol of American aeronautical ingenuity during the World War II era. With its unique, inverted gull-wing design, this fighter aircraft is most renowned for its notable operations in the South Pacific. The first flight of the Corsair was recorded in May 1940, and by December 28th, 1942, it had started to serve the U.S. military. The distinct design of its wings was not purely for aesthetic purposes. The Corsair was fitted with the powerful Pratt & Whitney R-2800 Double Wasp engine, which required an exceptionally large propeller. In order to accommodate this large diameter propeller while ensuring the landing gear was both robust for carrier landings and lightweight enough to maintain top-tier performance, the engineers had to think outside the box. This led to the creation of the ‘bent’ or inverted gull-wing design. By doing so, they achieved the necessary ground clearance for the propeller during takeoffs and landings without elongating the aircraft's landing gear. Such a design not only gave the Corsair its distinctive look but also contributed to its legendary status in aviation history.

Photo © Aditya Mohan. No reproductions. All Rights Reserved.
Photo © Aditya Mohan. No reproductions. All Rights Reserved.

The pilots who flew the Chance Vought F4U Corsair were among the bravest and most skilled of their generation. These aviators, many of whom were part of the U.S. Navy and Marine Corps, faced the challenges of intense aerial combat and demanding carrier landings. As the Corsair was deployed mainly in the Pacific theater during WWII, these pilots often engaged in dogfights with Japanese aircraft and played a pivotal role in achieving air superiority over the skies of islands like Guadalcanal and Okinawa. Their courage and expertise turned the Corsair into an icon of air combat, with the aircraft earning the nickname "Whistling Death" from its adversaries. The bond between the Corsair and its pilots was immortalized through numerous tales of heroism, making both the machine and its operators legendary figures in military aviation history.

F/A-18F Super Hornet at the Flight Line

October 10, 2023. We saw the Super Hornet, landing right next to the flight line. The Boeing F/A-18F Super Hornet is an advanced twin-engine, multirole fighter jet that represents a considerable evolution from its predecessor, the F/A-18C/D Hornet. One of its most distinctive features is the APG-79 Active Electronically Scanned Array (AESA) radar system, which provides increased range, multi-target tracking, and a higher degree of resistance against electronic jamming. Additionally, the Super Hornet is equipped with enhanced avionics, a reduced radar cross-section for increased stealth capabilities, and increased payload capacity.

AI Demo Day II Adventures: Flying at Roads less Traveled  Over Great Salt Lake 

October 3, 2023. Eastward, as far as the eye could travel, unbroken and untamed, rolled the lands we had crossed to reach the edge of the world.

The line above is a paraphrased statement that encapsulates the spirit of Beryl Markham’s aviation adventures and the experiences she wrote about in her memoir, "West with the Night." It reflects the sense of adventure, exploration, and the thrill of flying to remote and uncharted places. Beryl’s book details her remarkable life as an aviator and adventurer.  Beryl Markham made history as the first woman to complete a solo east-to-west transatlantic flight, flying from England to North America in 1936. 

The photos below are taken by our Founder, Aditya Mohan flying over the Great Salt Lake, Utah in a Cessna 182 while returned from our AI Demo Day II. 

Photo © Aditya Mohan. No reproductions. All Rights Reserved.

AI Demo Day II Adventures: The Wilderness & the Wild Blue Yonder 

September 28, 2023. Charles Lindbergh was a pioneering aviator famous for making the first nonstop solo transatlantic flight in 1927. He understood the allure of aviation and the freedom it offered, but he also recognized the juxtaposition between the modern world represented by aircraft and the vast, untamed wilderness of the skies. He once said: 

Real freedom lies in wildness, not in civilization.

While aircraft can transport us to the most remote and beautiful places on Earth, the act of camping with them brings a bit of the civilized world into the wild. Aircraft are symbols of technology, industry, and human innovation, and when used for camping, they can introduce a touch of comfort and convenience to otherwise rugged environments. This blending of modernity and nature can create a unique and sometimes humorous contrast, as aviators adapt to the challenges of camping with their flying machines.

Camping with your aircraft combining the conveniences of technology with the unpredictability of nature in an aviation-themed outdoor adventure. 

AI Demo Day II Adventures: Drying a Towel During Camping

September 28, 2023. Camping with aircraft is like trying to bring civilization to the wild blue yonder. They hung their damp towels over the motionless propeller blades of their aircraft, using the outside air to dry them effectively. Who needs a campfire when you've got a Pratt & Whitney to heat things up? The quiet surroundings and the sight of towels gently swaying in the breeze piqued the curiosity of the locals passing by. But for us aviators, it was just another day below the skies, embracing a towel-drying technique that would become part of our camping lore. 🤣🚀.

AI Demo Day II Adventures: Fuel stop at Elko, Nevada (KEKO)

September 27, 2023. Elko Regional Airport (KEKO) in Elko, Nevada  was our last stop before landing at our home base in San Francisco Bay Area at Palo Alto Airport (KPAO) on the way back from our AI Demo Day II, Oshkosh WI. Nestled in the heart of the Ruby Mountains, Elko, Nevada, offers a unique blend of Wild West history and stunning natural beauty. Elko is also the unofficial cowboy capital of Nevada. The popcorn you see with our Cessna 182T was from the last airport’s FBO (Fixed-base operator) at the Casper County International Airport in Wyoming and not this one (Mountain West Aviation) at Elko Regional Airport in Nevada.

Photo © Aditya Mohan. No reproductions. All Rights Reserved.

AI Demo Day II Adventures: Shoreline Serenity at Blue Water Court, Germantown, WI

September 15, 2023. On the way back from our AI Demo Day II, Oshkosh WI, we flew over Germantown, WI and saw these houses on the water shoreline of Blue Water Court, Germantown. Blue Water Court has a unique waterfront architectural design, with homes thoughtfully positioned to maximize picturesque water views. The architecture seamlessly integrates large windows, decks, and balconies to offer residents a serene and tranquil connection to the beautiful waterfront setting. This careful planning not only enhances the aesthetic appeal but also creates an inviting atmosphere that celebrates the natural beauty of the water's edge.

Blue Water Court in Germantown, WI, is a charming residential neighborhood that embodies the essence of suburban serenity. Nestled amidst lush greenery and picturesque landscapes, this community offers a peaceful and idyllic setting for its residents. The homes in Blue Water Court are known for their spacious designs, modern amenities, and attention to detail, making them perfect for families seeking comfort and convenience. With well-maintained streets and a strong sense of community, this neighborhood fosters a warm and welcoming atmosphere. 

Photo © Aditya Mohan. No reproductions. All Rights Reserved.

AI Demo Day II Adventures: F-22 Raptor in Action

September 14, 2023. We finally got to see the Lockheed Martin F-22 Raptor in action. You may have seen our post from August 10, 2023 where we describe the excitement and aww when we realized we were camping under the wings of our Cessna 420 Whisky Alpha, across from the coolest and most secretive fighter jets in the world, a F-22 Raptor and two F-35 Lightning II. F-22 Raptor is one of the most advanced and capable fighter aircraft in the world, capable of sustained supersonic flight without the need for afterburners. This is known as supercruise and gives the F-22 a significant advantage in terms of speed and fuel efficiency compared to many other fighter aircraft. The F-22 is equipped with advanced avionics and sensors, including the AN/APG-77 radar and the AN/ALR-94 electronic warfare suite, which provide the pilot with unparalleled situational awareness, allowing them to track multiple targets simultaneously.

AI Demo Day II Adventures: Our air camping neighbors 

September 13, 2023. EAA AirVenture at Oshkosh is first about people and second about the machines they fly. After all, this year in July 2023, there were 677,000 total attendees, 5,500 volunteers, and 848 exhibitors with more than 10,000 aircrafts. 

We camped below the wings of our Cessna 182T in North 40 during the EAA AirVenture 2023 week. Just a few aircraft across in the same row, we have a group from Switzerland camping in their Pilatus. Just like us, they were also entrepreneurs running their own company. We had a great time talking to them and learning from their experience as aviators while we shared our expertise in building AGI systems. They became good friends with us and we certainly hope to camp with them at North 40 during EAA AirVenture in Oshkosh next year. 

Aditya, our Founder with our new Swiss friends at North 40 camping grounds at Oshkosh, WI

Seaplane and floatplane investigation during our AI Demo Day II 

September 13, 2023. We talked with multiple seaplane and floatplane manufacturers during Oshkosh to get a better sense of the market and whether Robometrics® AGI can help pilots of these aircrafts. We had good conversations with ICON Aircraft,  Wipaire, Seaplane Pilots Association, and Alaska Floats and Skis at AK8. 

As an introduction, seaplanes have either straight or amphibian floats. Aircraft with straight floats have no wheels and cannot operate on land. Aircraft with amphibious floats have retractable wheels and are at home on land and in the water. While a seaplane lands using the fuselage directly on the water, a floatplane’s fuselage does not directly come into contact with water. Instead, a floatplane uses floats which make contact with water during take-off and landing. In addition, amphibious aircraft is a type of seaplane that has the capability to land and take-off from land or from water. Both a floatplane and a seaplane can take-off from, and land on, water.  A floatplane is technically a type of seaplane although the distinction can be made based on whether the aircraft’s fuselage comes in contact with the water or not.

Initial feedback was that the seaplanes and floatplanes don’t have enough digitization to receive enough avionics data for Robometrics® AGI. The avionics data is important for the real-time flight envelope feature of Amelia™, the Robometrics® AGI for aviation. They contain mostly a GPS and basic instrumentation. At the same time, newer aircrafts such as the Icon A5 from Icon Aircraft who we talked with, include Garmin G3X Touch™ flight display with 2-axis autopilot for situational awareness. Similarly, our conversations with Wipaire that convert aircrafts into floatplanes, revealed that the bigger seaplanes such as Daher Kodiak and Cessna Caravan retrofitted with floats will also have digital avionics that can feed into  Amelia™. 

In addition, the Amelia™ Health Envelop feature that helps the pilot with emotional awareness is self sufficient and can be used in any aircraft with no restriction on type of avionics onboard. 

AI Demo Day II Adventures: Chasing Shadows near Aberdeen, Idaho in the Snake River Plain

September 1, 2023. While chasing the cloud shadows near Aberdeen in the Snake River Plain, we remembered Amelia Earhart’s words 

“You haven't seen a tree until you've seen its shadow from the sky” 

Aberdeen is a small city located in the Snake River Plain of southeastern Idaho. Aberdeen is situated in the heart of one of Idaho's most fertile agricultural regions. The Snake River Plain is known for its rich volcanic soil, which makes it ideal for farming.

Flying past Woodruff, Utah. Photo © Aditya Mohan. No reproductions. All Rights Reserved.

AI Demo Day II Adventures: Flying past Woodruff, Utah 

August 30, 2023. On our way back from our AI Demo Day, we flew over Woodruff, Utah, just north east of Salt Lake City.  Woodruff, a historic town in Rich County, Utah, offers a tranquil rural lifestyle amidst stunning natural beauty. Settled by Mormon pioneers in the late 1800s, it's surrounded by picturesque landscapes, including Bear Lake, known as the "Caribbean of the Rockies." Woodruff is steeped in agricultural tradition and is close to the Idaho border, providing access to Bear Lake's turquoise waters. The area hosts the Bear Lake Raspberry Days festival in August and a county fair, fostering a close-knit community spirit. Outdoor enthusiasts can indulge in activities like fishing, hiking, and wildlife viewing, making Woodruff a hidden gem in northern Utah

Jackson Hole, overlooking the Teton Range

AI Demo Day II Adventures:   Jackson Hole, Wyoming 

August 25, 2023. Jackson Hole, a picturesque enclave in Wyoming, has many stories to tell besides its beautiful setting next to the Teton Range. The Federal Reserve's Wyoming symposium originated in 1978 as an annual gathering of central bankers, economists, and financial experts.  Its location in Jackson Hole, WY dates back to 1982 where the organizers during the time wanted to get the  then-Fed chairman and avid fly fisher Paul Volcker to the symposium.  Rest is history. 

Jackson Hole finds its allure magnified by the awe-inspiring Teton Range standing as its backdrop. This mountainous panorama, with its rugged peaks and tranquil valleys, adds an undeniable touch of magic to Jackson Hole. The harmonious interplay between the charming town and the grandeur of the Tetons creates an enchanting setting that captivates the hearts of all who visit.

On the way to our company’s AI Demo Day II, we passed by Jackson Hole at 7500ft. This is a photograph our Founder & CEO took from a Cessna 182T, flying at close to 100 knots. 

Capturing the Teton Range in the timeless elegance of black and white photography, much like Ansel Adams, infuses a sense of timeless grandeur into each frame. The monochrome palette accentuates the Teton's majestic contours and stark beauty, allowing viewers to immerse themselves in the very essence of the landscape's soulful charm. 

Photo © Aditya Mohan. No reproductions. All Rights Reserved.

AI Demo Day II Adventures: Green River's Aerial Ballet Across Wyoming's Skies

August 24, 2023. Behold the sinuous dance of the Green River, carving its serpentine path through the rugged heart of Wyoming, an aerial marvel unveiled as you traverse Interstate I-8. Just a stone's throw from the threshold of Utah, near the vibrant pulse of Salt Lake City, this captivating spectacle awaits. The image captured, a fleeting moment frozen in time, immortalized from the vantage of approximately 6000 feet, a vantage gained aboard the mighty Cessna 182T, slicing the firmament at a spirited pace of around 100 knots.

The Green River, a veritable lifeline coursing through the untamed veins of the Rocky Mountain West, transcends its mere status as a waterway. It is a testament to the wild, the untamed, and the untarnished. A pulsating artery, a tributary of mythic proportions that some dare to label as the very wellspring of the mighty Colorado River system. Its genesis, a symphony of melted snow and glacial tears, births forth from the lofty embrace of Pinedale, cradled within the formidable Wind River Mountains of Wyoming. A herald of its grandeur, Green River Lakes, nestled within the embrace of the Bridger-Teton National Forest, marks the genesis of this aqueous odyssey.

Yet, this is no ordinary river. With audacity, it carves through landscapes, forging an audacious path as it embarks on an audacious journey. Behold the majesty of its grand curve, a sweeping arc that beckons the adventurer's soul, and then with a whimsical twist, it defies conformity and plunges southward. A tale of turns and bends, its waters trespass the boundary between the wild and the private, a subtle reminder that nature's glory dances on the precipice of civilization.

So let your spirit take wing, let your imagination soar alongside the aviators who have embraced the skies. For in the heart of Wyoming's embrace, the Green River etches its saga, a saga of adventure, of audacity, and of the boundless beauty of the earth's canvas, painted in strokes of liquid jade.

Photo © Aditya Mohan. No reproductions. All Rights Reserved.

AI Demo Day II Adventures: Great Salt Lake's Pink and Mountain Majesty

August 22, 2023. On the way back from our AI Demo Day II at Oshkosh, we flew over the Great Salt Lake. As our aircraft soared above Utah's Great Salt Lake, the rugged mountains embraced its shimmering expanse. From this vantage point, the lake's turquoise waters held hints of pink, an ethereal phenomenon caused by the presence of salt-loving microorganisms. Nature's canvas was complete, blending the grandeur of mountains with the surreal pink hues, offering a breathtaking spectacle below.

Photo & video © Aditya Mohan. No reproductions. All Rights Reserved.

Capturing Timeless Beauty of the Tetons Range: Aerial Video Tribute in the Monochrome Spirit of Ansel Adams

August 21 2023. Embarking on a transformative journey reminiscent of Ansel Adams' historic expedition, we ventured into the heart of the Yellowstone and Grand Teton National Parks during our inbound trip to Oshkosh, Wisconsin. Like Adams, we sought to capture the ineffable beauty of the Teton Range and the sinuous path of the Snake River, not through photographs but via the lens of a video camera. Aboard a Cessna 182T flying at an altitude of 6000 feet, we traversed the skies above these natural wonders, filming their grandeur from an entirely new perspective. This aerial vantage point, reminiscent of Adams' vision, breathed fresh life into the Teton Range as it stretched out against the horizon, all in the timeless tones of black and white— a medium that Adams himself had passionately embraced. 

Ansel Adams favored black and white photography over color due to its ability to emphasize form, texture, and tonal contrast. He believed that monochrome images allowed him to convey a more profound emotional and aesthetic impact by stripping away the distractions of color, enabling viewers to focus on the composition, light, and subtle nuances that shape a scene. This choice also aligned with his vision of translating the grandeur of nature into a timeless, artistic medium.

Our deliberate choice of black and white enhanced the contours and textures of the Teton Range and the Snake River landscape, evoking the magic that both black and white photography and videography have long held

.AI Demo Day II Adventures: Daher Dinner Party  

August 18, 2023. The famous writer Ernest Hemingway said “If you are lucky enough to have lived in Paris as a young man, then wherever you go for the rest of your life, it stays with you, for Paris is a moveable feast.” Hemingway's memories of his life as an unknown writer living in Paris in the twenties are deeply personal, warmly affectionate, and full of wit

"Paris is a moveable feast." conveys the idea that Paris, and by extension the French culture, is a place where one can find a constant abundance of beauty, inspiration, and enjoyment, which could include parties and festivities. The saying captures the essence of the lively and vibrant atmosphere that is often associated with French lifestyle and celebrations. It can also be interpreted as a metaphor for the French knack for creating memorable and joyful social gatherings, including parties.

Daher Dinner Party at Oshkosh, WI was no exception. This was our second year attending their party at Oshkosh organized during EAA AirVenture. The event was a true delight, with exquisite wine and delectable cuisine that added a flavorful touch. Engaging with both the Daher team and the pilots provided insightful conversations, fostering an atmosphere of camaraderie. The gathering seamlessly connected old acquaintances and facilitated new friendships. The palpable energy and pervasive excitement that enveloped the venue added an undeniable vibrancy to the entire experience.

Our Founder & CEO, Aditya Mohan, had a great conversation with Daher S.A. CEO Didier Kayat, Nicolas Chabbert, Senior Vice President of Daher Airplane Business Unit and others at Daher. 

AI Demo Day II Adventures: Making new friends

August 18, 2023. Amidst the vast skies and sun-kissed horizons, EAA AirVenture 2023 unfurls its wings as a gathering that pays homage, first and foremost, to the intrepid souls who live and breathe aviation. Here, the spirit of adventure soars higher than the mightiest of aircraft, uniting kindred spirits who share a passion for the boundless heavens. In this symphony of passion and steel, EAA AirVenture 2023 reminds us that while aircraft are crafted from metal, the heart of aviation is woven from dreams, courage, and the unbreakable fellowship of those who call the skies home. 

Amidst these vibrant skyward dreams, we were privileged to cross paths with a remarkable family from St. Louis, Missouri - Richard and his son.  They were also camped in North 40 although on the other side of the runway.  We were in touch with Richard before our arrival at Oshkosh as he is a creative aviator and every year will make North 40 patches that go very well on jackets. In addition to getting us 2 of those patches f, he helped us with the insider tips on camping at North 40. He has been camping in North 40 for the last 15 years. One such tidbit was to arrive before Sunday noon time to be able to get a stop on North 40. 

EAA AirVenture in Oshkosh not only celebrates the machinery of flight, but also the soaring spirit that transcends generations, leaving an indelible mark on the very essence of human adventure. This was one of the reason to hold our company’s AI Demo Day II yearly at Oshkosh at the sometime as EAA AirVenture

AI Demo Day II Adventures: Getting to the EAA Aviation Museum 

August 17, 2023. Our first presentations as part of our company’s AI Demo Day II titled Generative AI for Aviation with specific focus on Generative AI was  on July 25th early morning 8:30am at the Vette Theater in EAA Aviation Museum. It couldn’t have been a better venue for this history era of Generative AI. But sometimes, it was an adventure of its own to get there at 8:30am from our campsite at North 40 in the morning during the Oshkosh AirVenture week. The prescribed route was to take the morning shuttle (A yellow school bus chartered by EAA) from North 40 campgrounds to the AIrVenture main ground and then take a Tram pulled by a tractor to the Aviation Museum. This was an option since the first but starts at 6:30am in the morning. Our estimate was that this would take us at least an hour to an hour and 30 minutes to get there. Then we looked at the map on where the museum was and where our tent was. It was no more than 1.5 miles in a straight line if you can fly from where we are to the museum! That’s when we had the aha moment. We can’t do a straight line flying a mile and a half (our Cessna 182T was parked next to us) but we can approximate it with a combination of shuttle bus and walking on foot. We got into the bus and the shuttle bus driver was kind enough to point out a tiny hole marked Gate 38 in the fence around the North 40 that can get out, cut across the road to the museum parking lot, next to the line of trees and we are at the EAA Aviation Museum. The hole in the fence was not on any of the maps. We requested the stop at Gate 38 and it took us less than 30 minutes to get to the museum, in addition to being more scenic. Lesson learned: Be adventurous and use common sense. 

Pilot's Feedback for  Amelia™ at Oshkosh

August 16, 2023. During our company’s AI Demo Day II at Oshkosh, Wisconsin, our team talked with pilots of various aircrafts including Cessna, Daher TBM, Piper, Diamond, Pilatus, ICON,  Honda Jet,  Bonanza, and even a USAF F-35. We talked to them about the need for the real-time flight envelope and the health envelope provided by  Amelia™, the artificial general intelligence (AGI) for aviation being developed by our team. There was a clear consensus on the advantage that Amelia™ brings to make flying safer. Irrespective of the sophistication of the existing avionics that  exist in their aircrafts, the pilots mentioned that both real-time flight envelope and health envelope feature provided by Amelia™was of high importance. Pilots liked the novel 3D holographic interface for Amelia™. There were multiple requests for us to support more aircrafts both at the lower end (e.g. Cessna 182) of the price range to the higher end (Pilatus PC12). 

Photo © Aditya Mohan. No reproductions. All Rights Reserved.

Capturing Elegance: Odyssey in Grand Teton National Park Near Jackson Hole (JAC)

August 15, 2023. Ansel Adams' photography expeditions and adventures to the Grand Teton National Park near Jackson Hole, Wyoming, are well-documented. A notable story about Ansel Adams' photography in the Grand Teton National Park involves his collaboration with fellow photographer, Eliot Porter. In 1948, Adams and Porter embarked on a photographic expedition to the Teton Range. During this trip, they both captured a series of images that showcased the park's remarkable beauty, emphasizing its grandeur and natural elegance. Adams' and Porter's photographs of the Grand Tetons highlighted their distinct artistic styles, with Adams' images often focusing on dramatic contrasts and stark compositions, while Porter's work emphasized color and a more intimate connection with nature. Their collaboration contributed to a broader awareness of the Grand Teton National Park's significance, inspiring many to appreciate and protect these stunning landscapes.

In this spirit of adventure and capturing the natural beauty of the Teton Range, here is another photo taken by our Founder & CEO Aditya Mohan, near Jackson Hole, Wyoming facing the Teton Range. It is taken from a Cessna 182T flying at about 6000ft and 100 knots on the way to Oshkosh, WI for our annual AI Demo Day II. 

Photo © Aditya Mohan. No reproductions. All Rights Reserved.

Tracing Ansel Adams on the way to Oshkosh: From Summer 1942 to Summer 2023

August 14, 2023. During the summer of 1942, esteemed photographer Ansel Adams embarked on a transformative journey to the Yellowstone and Grand Teton National Parks, crafting a series of indelible images that showcased the breathtaking Teton Range and the meandering Snake River. This expedition not only solidified Adams' legacy as a photographic virtuoso but also played a pivotal role in fostering the protection and admiration of these pristine landscapes. Decades later, in a remarkable parallel to Adams' journey, our CEO, Aditya Mohan, undertook a flight over the Snake River, capturing an extraordinary photograph above Swan Valley (Idaho) with the majestic Tetons as a backdrop. This stunning aerial perspective of the river winding its way through the landscape captures the spirit of Adams' work while presenting a fresh, captivating viewpoint that highlights the enduring allure of these natural wonders. The photo you can see on the side is taken by Aditya from a Cessna 182T flying at about 6000ft and 100 knots. 

Epicurean adventure during our AI Demo Day II & North 40 Camping at Oshkosh. 

Auguest 10, 2023. Aircraft Camping under the wings of your aircraft in North 40 is no ordinary camping. It is an experience that has so many things to be excited about from making new friends to watching other aircrafts take off and land next to the flight line. Although there are many food and concession stands at the convention grounds, if you are camping at North 40, it is easy to go on an adventure and explore restaurant options outside the grounds. We found some options that are no more than a few minutes walk from North 40 depending upon where you are camping in North 40. First is the Hilton Grand Hotel that is next to the camping ground and visible . Here are few other options we found one from an Oshkosh local: 

The work optimal finds at Oshkosh for our team during the company’s AI Demo Day II was no other than Dunkin’ for coffee and Arby’s for a quick bite, both of which were 10 minutes walk from our campsite. When your team’s presentation is at 8:30am in the morning and you need a quick breakfast sandwich and coffee, there is a need for speed. Both Dunkin’ and Arby’s fit the mission profile well. As we will say in aviation, every flight is a mission.  

Full article with visuals coming soon.

Customer focus and adventure.  

August 10, 2023. 😇🤣😍😱🚀 The excitement and aww when we realized we were camping under the wings of our Cessna 420 Whisky Alpha, across from the coolest and most secretive fighter jets in the world, a F22 Raptor and two F35 Lightning II. Be where your customers are and have fun doing it. Make new friends. Don't hide under the wings of your home or office. Look up, talk and have fun building.

Insights from our AI Demo Day II in Oshkosh, WI

August 8, 2023. In our company’s AI Demo Day II, our team did not cover the quantum world of probabilities but the unsupervised deep learning world of probabilities, Generative AI in detail, during our presentations and later in several conversations with attendees, partners and friends.  The focus was on use of Generative AI for general aviation and Amelia™, artificial general intelligence (AGI) for aviation being developed by us, which provides elements of aircraft safety and the pilot’s emotional awareness through a novel 3D holographic interface. 

The conversations revolved around three themes. The first was about the magic of being able to run the Foundation models we use with Amelia™ on-device with a fairly limited compute power. Second was on the models itself, both how we train it and the size. Third theme was on fixing some of the issues faced by Foundation models such as Stable Diffusion using prompt engineering. We had a great time talking about these areas and will be pulling together material from the slides we presented and publishing it on our AI Demo Day web portal here.

Flying a F-35 at Mach 1, Law, Life and Compartmentalization

August 7, 2023.  During our company’s AI Demo Day II in Oshkosh, Wisconsin, we had a conversation with a USAF pilot of a Lockheed Martin F-35 Lightning II.  We talked with him once he was on the ground after flying at the airshow in Oshkosh, WI. We asked him how to deal with unpredictable situations that involve multiple events and tasks in a very short span of time.  A F-35 is a supersonic fighter jet that can be at a speed of Mach 1.6. It is very much manual and not automated as many would expect from a state of the art next generation of fighter jets. It is a powerful and fast machine where the man is in control instead of an AI or software, generally. 

The pilot, Link Sandwith, mentioned the need for compartmentalization for unpredictable situations, where you laser focus on only the tasks and events that are under your control. If an event or a situation is not under your direct control, it won’t help to think about it. Work on the events and operational tasks that you control. The conversations that happen at home will not help you fly the aircraft so put them aside in a separate compartment while you are flying. Second, as we all know, for handling unpredictable situations where you need to make decisions in a fraction of a second, past experience makes the difference. The more you fly, the better you get.

Coincidentally, last year, while attending a workshop on complex litigation at UC Law San Francisco, I had a conversation over coffee break with a North California District Judge on how he is able to work on multiple critical cases during day time but able to compartmentalize his work from home. His answer was meditation.

Like the pages of a captivating novel, let work and home chapters entwine only to enrich the story of our lives, each with its rightful space and purpose.

Full article here.

 A Beautiful Spy - the U-2 'Dragon Lady'

August 7, 2023. Spies can be beautiful. We hope more spies are beautiful as we captured one at Oshkosh during our trip - the U-2 'Dragon Lady'. In the shadows of adventure, where beauty meets espionage, the U-2 soars high, where mystery and danger intertwine.

AI Demo Day II Presentation Logistics Brief

Auguest 2, 2023. We did two presentations this year during our company’s AI Demo Day II. First titled Generative AI for Aviation with specific focus on Generative AI was  on July 25th early morning 8:30am at the Vette Theater in EAA Aviation Museum. The second titled Amelia, the Aircraft AGI  where we did a deep dive into our product was at the Forum Plaza at the Forum Stage 8 GAMA. Both presentations were very well attended and we had tremendous positive feedback. Ironically, our first presentation on Generative AI that was early Tuesday morning had more attendees than the one in the afternoon. It was also indoors in the beautiful air-conditioned EAA Aviation Museum, which is a lesson learned. EAA Museum is a more comfortable venue for presentations and with the Midwest heat, an early morning presentation will still be very well attended. The Forum Stage is right next to the flight line and the passing by aircrafts does add to the excitement of aviation but at the expense of attenuating the speaker.

Camping at North 40, Oshkosh AirVenture

Auguest 1, 2023. Our goal was to arrive at Oshkosh AirVenture on Sunday midday, the day before the start of the convention. This was necessary to get a spot on the North 40 field for camping with our aircraft instead of South 40, which is much further away from all the action. I arrived around noon on Sunday and got a camping spot for ourselves and our aircraft right across from Hilton Hotel and the flight line. It couldn’t have been a better spot to camp for the week. The night before we were to leave was in itself exciting as there was a storm. Adventure is part of the game and we survived without a scratch on us, our tent and our aircraft, the Cessna 182T.

Inbound Trip from Oshkosh to Palo Alto

Augest 1, 2023. After the traffic jam in the air on our way into Oshkosh and the rouge aircrafts, on of which sneaked below us and cut the line to come in-front, our expectation was that it will take us sometime time to taxing our aircraft from our campsite to the runway and then liftoff. We were wrong. It took us no more than 10 minutes after crossing the road with the school bus and golf carts. On the way back to Palo Alto, we stopped at Brookings (South Dakota), Casper (Wyoming), and finally landed at Palo Alto Airport (KPAO).  

Lessons learned along the way: 

Our AI Demo Day II, Cross Country Trip at ~6000ft, & Camping @ Oshkosh.

July 31, 2023. A cross-country trip taken by the company Robometrics® Machines for their successful AI Demo Day II in San Francisco. The trip involved 30 hours of flying round trip at an average altitude of around 6000 ft, visiting several beautiful cities, airports, and states in the US. Stops included Elko (Nevada), Idaho Falls (Idaho), Rapid Falls (South Dakota), Mankato (Minnesota), Eden Prairie (Minnesota), and Oshkosh (Wisconsin). 

They also made a return journey with stops in Brookings (South Dakota) and Casper (Wyoming) before landing back in Palo Alto (California). During the trip, they had insightful conversations and adventures, including helping a cowboy in Casper whose motorcycle fell down. They also engaged in fruitful discussions with various aircraft and aviation-related companies, organizations, and individuals. The paragraph ends with a reminder to be kind, avoid drinking and flying, and celebrate with beer and wine safely when not piloting an aircraft.

The Outbound trip from Palo Alto to Oshkosh 

July 28, 2023. We are back in San Francisco after our cross country trip totaling 30 hours of flying round trip averaging around 6000 ft along the way for our company Robometrics® Machines AI Demo Day II that was a huge success. We visited some of the most beautiful cities, airports and states in the US during the trip. On the way from Palo Alto (California) to Oshkosh (Wisconsin), we stopped at Elko (Nevada), Idaho Falls (Idaho), Rapid Falls (South Dakota), Mankato (Minnesota), Eden Prairie (Minnesota) and finally to Oshkosh (Wisconsin). On the way back to Palo Alto (California), our path took us to Brookings (South Dakota), Casper (Wyoming), and finally landing at Palo Alto Airport (KPAO). We met old friends and made new ones along the way. We talked and learned from a USAF Lockheed Martin F-35 Lightning II pilot on how to deal with unpredictable situations when you are flying and have a fraction of a second to make a decision. 

Oshkosh, Wisconsin — Arriving

July 28, 2023. We arrived! It was fabricated to do the Fisk arrival for the final approach to Oshkosh. It was amazing to see the queue of aircraft all stacked up 2 miles apart in the air with one row for inbound and another four outbound. Learning from the trip so far: 

Eden Prairie, Minnesota

July 27, 2023. We arrived at Flying Cloud Airport (FCM) at Eden Prairie, Minnesota. Our goal - stay at the hotel for the evening, refuel and start our flight to our final designation early in the morning to dodge the thunder storms. Generally, early morning is the best time to fly in small aircraft since that’s the time the weather is calm and the clouds haven’t built up energy to create turbulence when you fly around them.

Mankato, Minnesota

July 26, 2023. Mankato, Minnesota was supposed to be our last stop before Oshkosh, Wisconsin. After landing at Mankato Regional Airport (MKT), we found out that there are no hotel rooms available in the city due to multiple weddings happening that day. At MKT, we were joined by one of our friends in his aircraft who continued with us for the rest of the trip and at Oshkosh. We were now a fleet of two aircrafts! We got back in our aircrafts to fly to the next town east of us on the way - Eden Prairie, Minnesota.

Rapid City, South Dakota 

July 25, 2023. Rapid City Regional Airport was our second stop after Idaho Falls on the way from Palo Alto. Oh KRAP! The airport code for the Rapid City Regional Airport is indeed KRAP. Some of the regional airport’s airport code signs can be quite interesting. Another example is KLOL. KLOL is the airport code for Derby Field located approximately 65 miles northeast of Reno, Nevada, a fuel stop, for both eastbound and westbound aircrafts.

July 22, 2023. Our CEO Aditya flew from bay area to OshKosh, on the way to Idaho Falls, Idaho, is a breathtaking adventure that promises stunning views and a memorable, fun-filled trip. As you soar through the skies towards this scenic destination, you'll be treated to a panorama of majestic mountains, vast expanses of lush forests, and winding rivers that seem to stretch on forever.

July 21, 2023. Our CEO Aditya flew from bay area to OshKosh, leaving behind the bustling cityscape of San Francisco, we soar above the rugged coastline, catching glimpses of the iconic Golden Gate Bridge and the towering redwood forests of Northern California. As we venture eastward, the Sierra Nevada mountain range emerges majestically on the horizon, its snow-capped peaks standing in awe-inspiring contrast to the lush valleys belo.

Cross Country Flying Trip from Bay Area to Oshkosh

We will be doing a cross country flying trip from the San Francisco Bay Area to Oshkosh, Wisconsin. Our trip will take 2 days, going through several airports in a small Cessna aircraft, followed by presenting our work on aircraft artificial intelligence at the Oshkosh AirVenture 2023, the world's biggest aviation convention with 600,000+ people and 20,000 aircraft at OSH.

This is part of our company's annual AI Demo Day II to be held during Oshkosh AirVenture 2023 (Oshkosh, WI) on July 24 - 30, where we have a special focus on Generative AI. We are going to present how we use Generative AI for general aviation including some unique insights, best practices for using Generative AI for aviation marketing and how other aerospace companies can leverage it.  We will also cover features of our proprietary on-device Foundation Models for aviation that we have been working on for the last 3 years. Details here

Booths we are most interested in visiting. 

Our CEO, Aditya, will be attending the prestigious Oshkosh event, which serves as a platform for aviation industry professionals and enthusiasts. During the event, we are delighted to inform you that we have scheduled visits to renowned companies such as Airbus (booth 448), Boeing Company (booth 747), Garmin (booth 347), Collins Aerospace (booth 2162), and the Cessna Flyer Association & Piper Flyer Association (booth 3126). Additionally, we have allocated time to explore the sea plane base, further enriching our experience at the event. We eagerly anticipate the opportunity to connect with you at Oshkosh and engage in fruitful discussions.

Learning and potential partnerships

We have identified several noteworthy presentations that have captured our attention for the upcoming event. These include:

We are eagerly looking forward to attending these sessions, as they promise valuable insights and knowledge. To explore further details, we encourage you to connect with our CEO through Linkedin .

Presentations at Robometrics® Machines' AI Demo Day II

Generative AI for Aviation  

Tuesday, July 25, 2023 8:30 AM – 9:45 AM CDT

EAA Museum - Vette Theater

Amelia™, artificial general intelligence (AGI) for aviation being developed by Robometrics® Machines, provides elements of aircraft safety and the pilot’s emotional awareness through a novel 3D holographic interface. We discuss how Robometrics® Machines uses generative AI for Amelia’s conversational capabilities, marketing, and considerations for using generative AI in aviation. We cover generative AI tools such as ChatGPT and Stable Diffusion, and tricks for using them for aviation marketing. Details here.

Amelia, the Aircraft AGI  

Tuesday, July 25, 2023 2:30 PM – 3:45 PM CDT

Forum Stage 8 GAMA

Artificial general intelligence (AGI) for aviation, called Amelia™, from Robometrics® Machines, enables aircraft safety, cognition, and pilot’s emotional awareness through a novel 3D holographic interface. Amelia™ can recognize a stressful event, assist the pilot in assessing the issue, detect the pilot’s emotional state, and predict important events. No modification to the aircraft is required. Since Amelia™ is assistive, no certification is required and it's available as an add-on. Details here

The Presentation Venues

EAA Museum - Vette Theater. 

Tuesday, July 25, 2023 8:30 AM – 9:45 AM CDT

The EAA Aviation Museum in Oshkosh, WI is home to over 200 historic aircraft, including the Spirit of St. Louis and the Wright 1903 Flyer. The museum is located on the grounds of the Experimental Aircraft Association's annual AirVenture Oshkosh. The museum is open year-round and offers a variety of exhibits, programs, and events for visitors of all ages. It is also home to the EAA Aviation Library, which contains one of the world's largest collections of aviation books, magazines, and other materials. The museum is a popular destination for aviation enthusiasts from all over the world.

Here are some additional facts about the museum:

Forum Stage 8 GAMA

Tuesday, July 25, 2023 2:30 PM – 3:45 PM CDT

The EAA AirVenture's Forum Plaza is a large open area located in the heart of the event grounds. It is home to a variety of exhibits, including static displays of aircraft, educational displays, and vendor booths. The plaza is also a popular spot for concerts, demonstrations, and other events.

Here are some interesting facts about the Forum Plaza:


During our AI Demo Day II to be held during Oshkosh AirVenture 2023 (Oshkosh, WI) on July 24 - 30, we will be participating in various event. Find us there. Details below.

SOS Bros. Beer Tent at Robometrics Machines’ AI Demo Day II at Oshkosh

We are ready for the SOS BROS beer. Meet us there and have fun!

Visit to the Seaplane Base (96WI)

Welcome to the serene and exhilarating world of EAA AirVenture Oshkosh, where the gentle embrace of aviation meets the thrill of the skies. This magnificent event brings together over 500,000 aircraft enthusiasts and a staggering fleet of 20,000 aircraft, transforming the humble KOSH airport into the bustling hub of the world. But beyond its grandeur, EAA AirVenture Oshkosh offers more than a mere aviation spectacle—it's an opportunity to immerse oneself in the beauty of the Lake Winnebago area. As we prepare to share our groundbreaking work on Generative AI for aviation at this year's EAA AirVenture Oshkosh 2023, we eagerly look forward to exploring the enchanting Seaplane Base (96WI), nestled on the picturesque western shore of Lake Winnebago in Oshkosh, WI. Let the accompanying video transport you to the serene sunrise of July 31, 2022, where the world awakens to the tranquil magic of 96WI at 6 am.

How to get there

During EAA AirVenture Oshkosh, Seaplane Base (96WI) is a short bus ride from the main base (KOSH) for the seaplanes, away from the large crowds and huge planes.  It is on the west shore of Lake Winnebago at Oshkosh, WI. It is also one of the places where the runway requirements specify depth as well as length. Just like last year, we will be spending some time at 96WI. We missed the Watermelon Social at the Seaplane Base last year but plan to make it this year. 

Meet us! 

Let us know if you are flying by landing or sea or land this July to EAA AirVenture and will like to meet by reaching out directly to our Founder & CEO, Aditya Mohan here.

Air Shows During the Week